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#73: Jade Jacob, France's 57kg IPF World's Medalist

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2022

Hey y'all! Welcome back to TPIL! Todays episode is with Jade Jacob. She just won the silver medal for the open 57kg class at IPF World's and she is only 20 years old! She is only getting started with showing us what she can do, as she narrowly missed the gold medal by .5kg. We dive into how she has gotten to this point at such a young age and what is next for her!


Jade Jacob Instagram 

Solana’s Instagram

Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist

Solana Lewis Tik Tok

STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)

110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)

Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)

Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)

Squat and Deadlift Webinars


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#72: Haley Hunter

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2022

Hey Y'all! Welcome back to TPIL! On this episode I am joined with Haley Hunter, a rising athlete in the 67.5kg class. We talk about how birth control seriously affected her as an athlete, her excellent performance at USAPL Mega nationals, and more!


Haley's Instagram

Solana’s Instagram

Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist

Solana Lewis Tik Tok

STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)

110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)

Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)

Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)

Squat and Deadlift Webinars


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#71: Building a Successful Powerlifting Coaching Business ft. Beverley Simpson

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2022

Hey y'all! Welcome back to TPIL! Today I speak with my business coach Beverley Simpson. We talk about how she has helped me build my powerlifting online business and the steps to take to market a powerlifting business on social media so that you will have clients reaching out to work with you. We also talk about the benefits of having a podcast and how it can help you bring in more clientele.

If you enjoy this episode please leave a 5 start rating and a review <3


 Beverly Simpson IG

Solana’s Instagram

Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist

The Power in Lifting Podcast

Solana Lewis Tik Tok

STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)

110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)

Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)

Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)

Squat and Deadlift Webinars


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#70: Dr.Patricia Johnson: National Champion, IFBB Pro, Professor, Survivor, Unstoppable

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2022

Hey y'all! Welcome back to TPIL! Today I speak with Dr. Patricia Johnson! She just became a national champion at USAPL Mega Nationals. I don't think there is anything this woman can't do! From competing in powerlifting to bodybuilding, to being a professor, a life coach, a mother, and more. We get a great look at her life, her hardships that she has had to overcome and her accomplishments!

TRIGGER WARNING: We talk about physical abuse in this episode.



Dr. Patricia Johnson's IG

Solana’s Instagram

Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist

Solana Lewis Tik Tok

STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)

110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)

Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)

Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)

Squat and Deadlift Webinars


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#69: Jessica Espinal, rising star in the 48kg class!

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2022

Hey y'all! Welcome back to TPIL! Today I speak with Jessica Espinal who just won USAPL Mega Nationals in the 48kg weight class. We talk about her journey from equipped lifting to raw, how she has progressed fairly quickly in the last year, and her future goals of becoming a world champion!



Solana’s Instagram

Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist

Solana Lewis Tik Tok

STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)

110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)

Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)

Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)

Squat and Deadlift Webinars


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#68: Meghan Scanlon 63kg World Champion

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2022
Hey y'all! Welcome back. Today I speak with Meghan Scanlon. This is Meg's 2nd appearance on the pod (first repeat guest!) and she has just come back from IPF World's after WINNING the stacked 63kg class. Meg is an inspiration, from having twin babies last year in 2021, to becoming a national champion and now world champion, she has defeated a lot of odds that she was up against. 
Meghan Scanlon Instagram
Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist
STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)
110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)
Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)
Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)
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#67: Alexis Jones, the new 100kg+ Queen

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2022
Hey y'all! On today's episode I speak with Alexis Jones who had a MASSIVE performance at Mega Nationals. Alexis is 21 years old and is rapidly making progress nearly beating the World Record Total for 84+ weight class at her last meet. We talk about how she likes powerlifting for Midland University, if she will go to IPF to battle Bonica Brown, how her family feels about her lifting career, and more!
Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist
STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)
110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)
Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)
Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)
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#66: Gabby Martinez: Mega Nationals BIG goals, transitioning from equipped to raw, UTSA's 1st Female Coach!

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2022
Hey y'all! Welcome back to TPIL! I speak with Gabby Martinez as she is DAYS away from a big meet at USAPL Mega Nationals. Gabby has goals of winning her 1st national title and we dive into her training, what its like to coach herself, how she became UTSA's 1st female powerlifting coach, her educational goals to advance research for women in the Exercise Science field, and more!
Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist
STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)
110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)
Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)
Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)
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#65 Autumm Greene: Mega Nationals, Finding Strength Through Trials

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2022
On todays episode I speak with Autumm Greene who is a fierce competitor in the 75kg class. Autumm broke the 75kg squat record at this past Arnolds in March and as we are just over 1 week away from Mega nationals she is training hard to put up her best performance to date. We dive into what it is like to work with "The Oracle" Steve DeNovi, adjustments they made during this prep to help her deadlift, and how going through the hard times of caring for her young son while he battles a rare disease has pushed her to only train harder.
This episode was a blast and I hope you enjoy it.
Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist
STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)
110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)
Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)
Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana...
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#64: Jamie Fisher: The Road to Mega Nationals, Pushing through Frustrating Preps & Social Media

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2022
On today's episode I speak with Jamie Fisher! Jamie is ranked #1 for the 52kg weight class for mega nationals and she is aiming to stay there. In this episode we talk about her past performance at the Arnolds, her opinion of powerlifting preview shows, how annoying some men are when they see women lifting in the gym, her goals for Mega nationals and more!
Solana Lewis Training: apply for 1:1 coaching waitlist
STRONGWOM3N Facebook Group (A free group to make strong friends and learn directly from me)
110 Percent Code: Solana (saves you 10%)
Leflar bros code: Solana15 (saves you 15%)
Girls Who Powerlift: Code Solana (saves you 10%)
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